Reading Our Way (Foundation Kit)


Reading Our Way (Foundation Kit)


The Foundation Kit is for students who are just beginning their reading journey or those who are not reading at all.  The focus of this kit is the use of personally significant, meaningful and motivating words.

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Included in kit


Resource USB or free link to download materials

Word cards and matching mats

Picture cards and matching mats.


The manual provided steps through the implementation of the Foundation Kit as well as outlining the research behind the program.

Picture cards are used initially to assist in the development of visual discrimination skills, as well as to assist in the engagement of students. Once the student has mastered the process with the picture cards, words will be introduced.

The kit contains individual word cards and matching mats that are required to complete the activities. Two of each word card and three matching mats are included for each set of words. The instructional manual steps through how to use these as a part of the teaching process.

A resource disc or link to download materials is included as a part of the Foundation Kit. The resource disc includes digital files for Blank Word Card Templates, "Leapfrog" Lilypad Template, "Swat the Word" Fly Template, Bingo Template and Puzzle Template.

Space to add personally significant words